Friday, October 2, 2015


My life is constantly changing! Its crazy how God's plan for my life can take me to many places I never imagined going. Where He calls me, I'll go. He brings people into my life when He knows I need them most. I'm so grateful for all the people I've met over the last 2 1/2 years and the friends who have challenged, encouraged, and help shape my relationship with God.
We all have a purpose, whether we realize what that purpose is or not. Every person we interact with is impacted by our actions towards them and others. God can use that in powerful ways, as I have discovered. This was brought to my attention when I moved churches. I had set an example for a friend on what true love really means, which got her out of an unhealthy relationship. This could only happen with constant communication with God. As he feeds into our lives, that spills over into other lives. 
From that experience, I am encouraged to pray that God would continue to show himself through me. As my life keeps changing and I meet new people, I don't ever want to lose the relationship I have with my creator. I hope that my relationship is obvious to everyone I come into contact with. 

I hope this post encourages you! Let me know if there is a topic you want me to discuss. Have a great weekend!

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